Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Attention All Secret Agents!

I got bored and tastefully drew my old boss naked
My Executive Assistant, Iris

It's been a while fellow agents. Negligence? Yes, completely. I had Comic-Con '09 to attend to and get lost at. Visitors from far and wide have come to see yours truly. In short, my schedule has been packed with things to do, people to see, things to see, and people to do. My free time has been divided between writing and drawing. I have no time to eat, sleep, or breathe anymore - my comics are my life and I continue to strive onwards.

Things I unearthed at Comic-Con:
ALL of Promethea - amazing, with the book start and book end volumes hardcover
All hardcover versions of Warren Ellis' great run on Thunderbolts
Signed Comic-Con exclusive copy of The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke
Most of my Casanova single issues by Fabio Moon [those bastards are elusive]
Most of that dark Bendis/Maleev run on Daredevil
Executive Assistant Iris

Currently hooked on:
Warren Ellis
Resident Evil 5
JH Williams III
Steampunk cosplay chicks
Pina Coladas

Now: a story. After Comic-Con, I realized that I'm in the perfect mind set to work on two of my projects such that they can be done and completed to perfection. Being a perfectionist, this is what I had accidentally intended to have happen from the start. To so luckily fall into these two stories is nothing short of sheer luck.

The first story is about the Devil. If you know me personally, then you know EXACTLY what story I'm talking about because I've had this tale to tell since birth. To me it never gets old and the personality of the Devil is so fun to write that the script walks directly from my mind onto the keyboard then into my computer.

The second story is about an assassin. No one save for two know this story, but it's all about this one man's POV on life. The story writes itself and I'm the factory producing issue after issue. Writing this story also helps me write out one of my novel ideas on the side. If you know me well enough you might know which particular novel I'm talking about or can guess. You know? The one about the guy in the place with the problem? That one.

With those incredibly intentional and extremely vague descriptions look forward to samples of characters and story clips and excerpts and news and sex and guns and rock and roll and muffins and bowls of cereal and all the extra features that accompany my project work.

Promising to update more humanly possible without selling my soul to the internet,
Beau Q.

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